No matter what size your school is, We have an ERP solution that will bring in operational bliss!

School ERP Basic

In the 21st century, it is imperative for all schools to automate some of their administrative functions to ease operations. Besides freeing up time to concentrate more on academics, schoolERP also helps you to do away with data redundancy and inaccuracy and go paperless.

With School ERP Basic, you can:

  • Automate your admission process

  • Use templates to generate report cards

  • Simplify fee management and secure all financial transactions

  • Promote parental involvement and transparency with meticulous communicat

  • Maintain attendance records and expedite leave application

Modules Included

School ERP Pro

Scalability is a major concern of schools operating on a large scale. If your school is one of them, you need an advanced ERP solution that can solve some of your fundamental problems besides bringing in efficiency in terms of speed and productivity that any sort of automation ushers in.

What'll you get with SchoolERP Pro?

Student safety and security: Prevent any untoward incident in schools; let SchoolERP be your student's guardian angel. With live tracking of school vehicles, RFID devices tracking student locations and authenticating visitor entry, we ensure 360-degree student safety.

Finance: Financial health forms the foundation of any school enterprise. SchoolERP promises to keep the foundation healthy by providing a secured payment gateway, cheque reconciliation, etc that automates all financial transactions.

Logistics: As school is a complex machinery, SchoolERP eases inventory management and integrates data from all modules. It manages library catalogue and information related to the transport facility such as driver details, number of buses and their routes.

Parental involvement: One of the most important stakeholders of the K-12 sector, parents, are often neglected in the school ecosystem. SchoolERP brings them in the central fold by sending them regular updates via SMSes, easing fee payment through an online portal and facilitating admission enquiry online.

Teacher efficiency: Administrative tasks often take up a lot of teachers' time. With pre-defined templates to generate report cards, maintain attendance records and automate substitution, SchoolERP frees up their time, ensuring that they become more productive at work.

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